Offers API Endpoints Reference

Version: 1

Base URL:



Important: This resource contain only active load offers.

Get load offers


  • offers.loads.manage


GET /loads

Query parameters

Query parameter Type Required Value
filter json no Filter Load entities
sort json no Sort Load entities
page integer no Result page number

Filter parameters

Field Type Required string or array yes, if we filter also on loading_place.address.postal_code or loading_place.address.locality
loading_place.address.postal_code string no
loading_place.address.locality string no string or array yes, if we filter also on unloading_place.address.postal_code or unloading_place.address.locality
unloading_place.address.postal_code string no
unloading_place.address.locality string no
description string no
type string or array no
price range of floats yes, if we filter also on price_currency
price_currency string no string no
circle_area.start.latitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.longitude and circle_area.start.distance
circle_area.start.longitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.latitude and circle_area.start.distance
circle_area.start.distance integer yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.latitude and circle_area.start.longitude
circle_area.end.latitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.longitude and circle_area.end.distance
circle_area.end.longitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.latitude and circle_area.end.distance
circle_area.end.distance integer yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.latitude and circle_area.end.longitude
creation_date range of timestamps no
loading_date range of timestamps no
load_weight (deprecated) range of floats no
load_weight.value range of floats no
load_length (deprecated) range of floats no
load_length.value range of floats no

Sort parameters

Field Type Required string or array no
loading_place.address.locality string no string or array no
unloading_place.address.locality string no
creation_date int no


Http status Description
200 Return collection of Load entities.


GET /api/rest/v1/loads?filter={"type":{"$in":["public"]},"price":{"$gt":1,"$lt":100},"price_currency":"EUR"}&sort={"":-1}}}&page=5 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22%7D&"
    "first": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22%7D&"
    "last": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22%7D&"
    "prev": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22%7D&"
    "next": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22%7D&"
  "_embedded": {
    "loads": [
  "page_count": 172,
  "page_size": 20,
  "total_items": 3423

Get a load offer


  • offers.loads.manage


GET /loads/{id}

Query parameters

Query parameter Type Required Value
fields json no List of Load entity fields to include or exclude in response


Http status Description
200 Return Load entity
404 Load offer not found


GET /api/rest/v1/loads/123456789?fields={"description":false} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "id": 123456789,
  "creation_date": "2015-09-21T06:58:49+0000",
  "publication_date": null,
  "finish_date": "2015-10-14T08:00:00+0000",
  "loading_place": {
    "address": {
      "country": "BY",
      "postal_code": "224001",
      "locality": "Брест"
    "geo": {
      "latitude": 52.105,
      "longitude": 23.6751
  "loading_date": "2015-09-30T08:00:00+0000",
  "unloading_place": {
    "address": {
      "country": "DE",
      "postal_code": "79098",
      "locality": "Фрайбург"
    "geo": {
      "latitude": 47.9959,
      "longitude": 7.8522
  "unloading_date": "2015-10-14T08:00:00+0000",
  "price": 10,
  "price_currency": "EUR",
  "type": "public",
  "load_length": {
    "value": null,
    "unit_code": null
  "load_height": {
    "value": null,
    "unit_code": null
  "load_volume": {
    "value": 100,
    "unit_code": "MTQ"
  "load_weight": {
    "value": 21,
    "unit_code": "TNE"
  "pallets": null,
  "is_ltl": false,
  "is_lift_required": false,
  "is_truck_crane_required": false,
  "is_tir_cable_required": true,
  "is_tracking_system_required": false,
  "is_for_clearance": false,
  "required_ways_of_loading": null,
  "required_adr_classes": null,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "offerer": {
      "id": 1128668,
      "href": ""
    "company": {
      "id": 341134,
      "href": ""
    "contact_persons": {
      "ids": [
      "href": ""
    "required_truck_body": {
      "id": "tent",
      "href": ""
    "type_of_load": {
      "id": "roll2",
      "href": ""

Add a load offer


  • offers.loads.manage


POST /loads

Request body data

Field Required yes
loading_place.address.postal_code yes
loading_place.address.locality no
loading_place.geo.latitude yes, if we also add loading_place.geo.longitude
loading_place.geo.longitude yes, if we also add loading_place.geo.latitude
loading_date yes yes
unloading_place.address.postal_code yes
unloading_place.address.locality no
unloading_place.geo.latitude yes, if we also add unloading_place.geo.longitude
unloading_place.geo.longitude yes, if we also add unloading_place.geo.latitude
unloading_date yes
price yes, if we also add price_currency
price_currency yes, if we also add price
description no
type no, default: public
load_length.value if we also add load_length.unit_code
load_length.unit_code if we also add load_length.unit_code
load_height.value if we also add load_height.unit_code
load_height.unit_code if we also add load_height.unit_code
load_volume.value yes, if we also add load_volume.unit_code
load_volume.unit_code yes, if we also add load_volume.value
load_weight.value yes
load_weight.unit_code yes
pallets.type no
pallets.dimensions no
pallets.amount no
pallets.is_stackable no
pallets.is_exchangeable no
is_ltl no
is_lift_required no
is_truck_crane_required no
is_tir_cable_required no
is_tracking_system_required no
is_for_clearance no
required_ways_of_loading no
required_adr_classes no
contact_persons no yes
type_of_load no


Http status Description
201 Load offer has been created. Return Load entity.


POST /api/rest/v1/loads HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "loading_place": {
    "address": {
      "country": "RU",
      "postal_code": "4531",
      "locality": "Sterlitamak"
    "geo": {
      "latitude": 53.6246,
      "longitude": 55.9502
  "loading_date": "2015-10-07T07:00:00+0000",
  "unloading_place": {
    "address": {
      "country": "PL",
      "postal_code": "41-303",
      "locality": "Dąbrowa Górnicza - Gołonóg"
    "geo": {
      "latitude": 50.3455,
      "longitude": 19.2518
  "unloading_date": "2015-10-12T13:00:00+0000",
  "price": 10,
  "price_currency": "EUR",
  "description": "Super oferta",
  "load_length": {
      "value": 5,
      "unit_code": "MTR"
  "load_height": {
    "value": 10,
    "unit_code": "MTR"
  "load_volume": {
    "value": 45,
    "unit_code": "MTQ"
  "load_weight": {
    "value": 21,
    "unit_code": "TNE"
  "is_ltl": false,
  "is_lift_required": false,
  "is_truck_crane_required": false,
  "is_tir_cable_required": true,
  "is_tracking_system_required": true,
  "is_for_clearance": false,
  "required_ways_of_loading": ["top", "back"],
  "required_adr_classes": ["1", "4.3", "5.2"],
  "contact_persons" : [
        "id": 12345
        "id": 12346
  "required_truck_body" : {
    "id": "box-truck"
  "type_of_load": {
    "id": "package"
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "id": 123456789,

Remove a load offer


  • offers.loads.manage


DELETE /loads/{id}


Http status Description
204 Load offer has been successfully removed.
400 You can only delete your load offers.
404 Load offer not found.


DELETE /api/rest/v1/loads/123456789 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Get vehicle offers


  • offers.vehicles.manage


GET /vehicles

Query parameters

Query parameter Type Required Value
filter json no Filter Vehicle entities
sort json no Sort Vehicle entities
page integer no Result page number

Filter parameters

Field Type Required string or array yes, if we filter also on loading_place.address.postal_code or loading_place.address.locality
loading_place.address.postal_code string no
loading_place.address.locality string no string or array yes, if we filter also on unloading_place.address.postal_code or unloading_place.address.locality
unloading_place.address.postal_code string no
unloading_place.address.locality string no
description string no
type string or array no
price range of floats yes, if we filter also on price_currency
price_currency string no string no
circle_area.start.latitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.longitude and circle_area.start.distance
circle_area.start.longitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.latitude and circle_area.start.distance
circle_area.start.distance integer yes, if we filter also on circle_area.start.latitude and circle_area.start.longitude
circle_area.end.latitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.longitude and circle_area.end.distance
circle_area.end.longitude float yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.latitude and circle_area.end.distance
circle_area.end.distance integer yes, if we filter also on circle_area.end.latitude and circle_area.end.longitude
creation_date range of timestamps no
loading_date range of timestamps no
cargo_space_capacity (deprecated) range of integers no
cargo_space_capacity.value range of integers no
cargo_space_length (deprecated) length range no
cargo_space_length.value length range no

Sort parameters

Field Type Required string or array no
loading_place.address.locality string no string or array no
unloading_place.address.locality string no
creation_date int no


Http status Description
200 Return collection of Vehicle entities.


GET /api/rest/v1/vehicles/api/rest/v1/vehicles?filter={"type":{"$in":["public"]},"price":{"$gt":1,"$lt":100},"price_currency":"EUR","cargo_space_length":{"$gt":1,"$lt":100}}&sort={"":-1}}}&page=5 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22,%22cargo_space_length%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D%7D&"
    "first": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22,%22cargo_space_length%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D%7D&"
    "last": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22,%22cargo_space_length%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D%7D&"
    "prev": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22,%22cargo_space_length%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D%7D&"
    "next": {
      "href": "$in%22:%20%5B%22public%22%5D%7D,%20%22price%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D,%22price_currency%22:%22EUR%22,%22cargo_space_length%22:%7B%22$gt%22:1,%22$lt%22:100%7D%7D&"
  "_embedded": {
    "vehicles": [
    "page_count": 90,
    "page_size": 20,
    "total_items": 1796

Get a vehicle offer


  • offers.vehicles.manage


GET /vehicles/{id}

Query parameters

Query parameter Type Required Value
fields json no Array | List of Loads entity fields to include or exclude in response


Http status Description
200 Return Vehicle entity
404 Vehicle not found


GET /api/rest/v1/vehicles/397936884?fields={"loading_place":false,"unloading_place.address.locality":false} HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "id": 397936884,
  "creation_date": "2015-10-08T09:52:18+0000",
  "publication_date": null,
  "finish_date": "2015-10-16T16:00:00+0000",
  "loading_date": "2015-10-12T04:00:00+0000",
  "unloading_place": {
    "address": {
      "country": "PL",
      "postal_code": "All"
    "geo": {
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null
  "unloading_date": "2015-10-16T16:00:00+0000",
  "price": 1,
  "price_currency": "EUR",
  "description": "",
  "type": "public",
  "cargo_space_capacity": {
    "value": 24,
    "unit_code": "TNE"
  "cargo_space_length": {
    "value": 13.6,
    "unit_code": "MTR"
  "cargo_space_height": {
    "value": 3,
    "unit_code": "MTR"
  "cargo_space_volume": {
    "value": null,
    "unit_code": null
  "ltl_available": false,
  "has_adr": false,
  "has_lift": false,
  "has_truck_crane": false,
  "has_tir_cable": false,
  "has_tir_carnet": false,
  "has_pallet_bin": false,
  "has_tracking_system": true,
  "available_ways_of_loading": [
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "offerer": {
      "id": 726481,
      "href": ""
    "company": {
      "id": 324731,
      "href": ""
    "contact_persons": {
      "ids": [
      "href": ""
    "truck_body": {
      "id": "curtainsider",
      "href": ""

Add a vehicle offer


  • offers.vehicles.manage


POST /vehicles

Request body data

Field Required yes
loading_place.address.postal_code yes
loading_place.address.locality no
loading_place.geo.latitude yes, if we also add loading_place.geo.longitude
loading_place.geo.longitude yes, if we also add loading_place.geo.latitude
loading_date yes yes
unloading_place.address.postal_code yes
unloading_place.address.locality no
unloading_place.geo.latitude yes, if we also add unloading_place.geo.longitude
unloading_place.geo.longitude yes, if we also add unloading_place.geo.latitude
unloading_date yes
price yes, if we also add price_currency
price_currency yes, if we also add price
description no
type no, default: public
cargo_space_capacity.value yes
cargo_space_capacity.unit_code yes
cargo_space_length.value no
cargo_space_length.unit_code no
cargo_space_height.value no
cargo_space_height.unit_code no
cargo_space_volume.value no
cargo_space_volume.unit_code no
ltl_available no
has_adr no
has_lift no
has_truck_crane no
has_tir_cable no
has_tir_carnet no
has_pallet_bin no
has_tracking_system no
available_ways_of_loading no


Http status Description
201 Vehicle offer has been created. Return Vehicle entity.


POST /api/rest/v1/vehicles HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "loading_date": "2015-10-15T15:12:24+0000",
  "loading_place": {
      "address": {
          "country": "GB",
          "postal_code": "12345",
          "locality": "London"
      "geo": {
          "latitude": 12.134,
          "longitude": 12.134
  "unloading_date": "2015-10-17T15:12:24+0000",
  "unloading_place": {
      "address": {
          "country": "PL",
          "postal_code": "50-340",
          "locality": "Warszawa"
      "geo": {
          "latitude": 12.134,
          "longitude": 12.134
  "truck_body": {
      "id": "swap-body-system"
  "description": "Important note: do not travel faster than a speed of light!",
  "cargo_space_capacity": {
      "value": 10,
      "unit_code": "TNE"
  "cargo_space_length": {
      "value": 10,
      "unit_code": "MTR"
  "cargo_space_height": {
      "value": 10,
      "unit_code": "MTR"
  "cargo_space_volume": {
      "value": 10,
      "unit_code": "MTQ"
  "ltl_available": true,
  "has_adr": false,
  "has_lift": false,
  "has_truck_crane": false,
  "has_tir_cable": false,
  "has_tir_carnet": false,
  "has_pallet_bin": false,
  "has_tracking_system": false,
  "available_ways_of_loading": ["top","side"]
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "id": 123456789,

Remove a vehicle offer


  • offers.vehicles.manage


DELETE /vehicles/{id}


Http status Description
204 Vehicle offer has been successfully removed.
400 You can only delete your vehicle offers.
404 Vehicle offer not found.


DELETE /api/rest/v1/vehicles/123456789 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


Load entity

Field Value Type Value Description
id integer Unique identifier for a load offer.
creation_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) of load offer creation.
publication_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer will be published.
finish_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer will be finished. string The loading place country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
loading_place.address.postal_code string Loading place postal code. Valid value should have min 1 and max 7 length and match /^[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9 .-]*$/.
loading_place.address.locality string Loading place locality. Valid value should have min 2 and max 40 length and match /^[\p{L}£\(\)\'][\p{L}0-9 .&`,:\(\)\/\'-£]*$/u.
loading_place.geo.latitude float Loading place latitude coordinate in degrees.
loading_place.geo.longitude float Loading place longitude coordinate in degrees.
loading_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer must be loaded. string The unloading place country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
unloading_place.address.postal_code string Unloading place postal code. Valid value should have min 1 and max 7 length and match /^[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9 .-]*$/.
unloading_place.address.locality string Unloading place locality. Valid value should have min 2 and max 40 length and match /^[\p{L}£\(\)\'][\p{L}0-9 .&`,:\(\)\/\'-£]*$/u.
unloading_place.geo.latitude float Unloading place latitude coordinate in degrees.
unloading_place.geo.longitude float Unloading place longitude coordinate in degrees.
unloading_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer must be unloaded.
price float Load offer price. Valid value should be between 0 and 999999.99.
price_currency string Load offer price currency (ISO 4217).
description string Load offer description. Valid value should have min 1 and max 200 length.
type string Load offer visibility: public, cluster, private
load_length.value float Length of load. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99.
load_length.unit_code string Load length measure unit. Only valid value is MTR (metre).
load_height.value float Height of load. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99.
load_height.unit_code string Load height measure unit. Only valid value is MTR (metre).
load_volume.value float Volume of load. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 99999.99.
load_volume.unit_code string Load volume measure unit. Only valid value is MTQ (cubic metre).
load_weight.value float Weight of load. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99.
load_weight.unit_code string Load weight measure unit. Only valid value is TNE (metric tons).
pallets.type string Type of pallets. Either euro or other.
pallets.dimensions string Dimensions of pallets. If type is set to euro, dimensions parameter is not evaluated and is auto configured to 120x80.
pallets.amount integer Pallets amount. Valid value should be between 0 and 99999.
pallets.is_stackable boolean Specifies whether pallets is stackable.
pallets.is_exchangeable boolean Specifies whether pallets is exchangeable.
is_ltl boolean True means that load is less then available truck load and can be transferred with other goods.
is_lift_required boolean Whether truck lift will be required to handle load.
is_truck_crane_required boolean Specifies whether truck crane will be required to handle load.
is_tir_cable_required boolean Specifies whether tir cable will be required to handle load.
is_tracking_system_required boolean Specifies whether vehicle must have gps monitoring.
is_for_clearance boolean Specifies whether load will need clarence.
required_ways_of_loading array Specifies required method of loading onto the vehicle. One or more of: top, back, side.
required_adr_classes array Specifies required ADR classes to handle load. One or more of: 1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8, 9.


Link Value Type Value Description integer Identifier of employee who post load offer.
offerer.href string Contains URL to Employee entitiy. integer Identifier of employee's company who post load offer.
company.href string Contains URL to Company entitiy.
contact_persons.ids array List of employees identifiers. Give ability to assign one or more persons within offerer company as contact for the offer. By default offerer is listed as contact person.
contact_persons.href object Contains URL to Employees collection. string Identifier of trcuk body.
required_truck_body.href string Contains URL to Truck Body entity. string Identifier of load type.
type_of_load.href string Contains URL to Type Of Load entity.

Vehicle entity

Field Value Type Value Description
id integer Unique identifier for a vehicle offer.
creation_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) of vehicle offer creation.
publication_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when vehicle offer will be published.
finish_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when vehicle offer will be finished. string The loading place country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
loading_place.address.postal_code string Loading place postal code. Valid value should have min 1 and max 7 length and match /^[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9 .-]*$/.
loading_place.address.locality string Loading place locality. Valid value should have min 2 and max 40 length and match /^[\p{L}£\(\)\'][\p{L}0-9 .&`,:\(\)\/\'-£]*$/u.
loading_place.geo.latitude float Loading place latitude coordinate in degrees.
loading_place.geo.longitude float Loading place longitude coordinate in degrees.
loading_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer must be loaded. string The unloading place country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
unloading_place.address.postal_code string Unloading place postal code. Valid value should have min 1 and max 7 length and match /^[\p{L}0-9][\p{L}0-9 .-]*$/.
unloading_place.address.locality string Unloading place locality. Valid value should have min 2 and max 40 length and match /^[\p{L}£\(\)\'][\p{L}0-9 .&`,:\(\)\/\'-£]*$/u.
unloading_place.geo.latitude float Unloading place latitude coordinate in degrees.
unloading_place.geo.longitude float Unloading place longitude coordinate in degrees.
unloading_date string Date and time (ISO 8601) when load offer must be unloaded.
price float Vehicle offer price. Valid value should be between 0 and 999999.99.
price_currency string Vehicle offer price currency (ISO 4217).
description string Vehicle offer description. Valid value should have min 1 and max 200 length.
type string Vehicle offer visibility: public, cluster, private
cargo_space_capacity.value float Capacity of cargo space. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 9999.99
cargo_space_capacity.unit_code string Cargo space capacity measure unit. Only valid value is MTQ (cubic metre).
cargo_space_length.value float Length of cargo space. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99
cargo_space_length.unit_code string Cargo space length measure unit. Only valid value is MTR (metre).
cargo_space_height.value float Height of cargo space. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99
cargo_space_height.unit_code string Cargo space height measure unit. Only valid value is MTR (metre).
cargo_space_volume.value float Volume of cargo space. Valid value should be between 0.01 and 999.99
cargo_space_volume.unit_code string Cargo space volume measure unit. Only valid value is TNE (metric tons).
ltl_available boolean True means that truck is already loaded with other goods, but has some free capacity to handle additional load.
has_adr boolean Specifies whether vehicle has adr.
has_lift boolean Specifies whether vehicle has lift.
has_truck_crane boolean Specifies whether vehicle has truck crane.
has_tir_cable boolean Specifies whether vehicle has tir cable.
has_tir_carnet boolean Specifies whether vehicle has tir carnet.
has_pallet_bin boolean Specifies whether vehicle has pallet bin.
has_tracking_system boolean Specifies whether vehicle has gps monitoring.
available_ways_of_loading array Specifies available method of loading onto the vehicle. One or more of: top, back, side.


Link Value Type Value Description integer Identifier of employee who post vehicle offer.
offerer.href string Contains URL to Employee entitiy. integer Identifier of employee's company who post vehicle offer.
company.href string Contains URL to Company entitiy.
contact_persons.ids array List of employees identifiers. Give ability to assign one or more persons within offerer company as contact for the offer. By default offerer is listed as contact person.
contact_persons.href object Contains URL to Employees collection. string Identifier of trcuk body.
truck_body.href string Contains URL to Truck Body entity.

Truck Body entity

Field Value Type Value Description
id string Const identified truck body.

Supported truck bodies:

  • tent
  • isotherm
  • box-truck
  • spacious
  • other
  • car-transporter
  • double-trailer
  • van
  • mega
  • coilmulde
  • walking-floor
  • low-suspension
  • flatbed
  • chemical-tanker
  • food-tanker
  • petroleum-tanker
  • gas-tanker
  • log-trailer
  • oversized-cargo
  • hook-lift
  • container-20-40
  • dump-truck
  • koffer
  • swap-body-system
  • jumbo
  • cooler
  • curtainsider
  • tanker
  • silos
  • removal-truck

Type Of Load entity

Field Value Type Value Description
id string Const identified type of load.

Supported types of load:

  • full-truck-standard
  • full-truck-mega
  • cubic
  • bag
  • item
  • envelope
  • box
  • package
  • cardboard
  • timber
  • roll
  • roll2
  • barrel
  • other