How can I integrate OAuth2 with desktop application?

Tags: oauth


The OAuth wiki lists numerous options you can use. This question was also asked on stackoverflow: OAuth 2.0 for desktop and mobile applications

Can I accept offer using REST API?

Tags: api usage, available features


It's not possible to accept offer using REST API.

However it's possible to accept offer after calling offer details modal window of Trans.eu and starting conversation about offer.

What is client_sercret and client_id?

Tags: oauth


client_id and client_sercret are client credentials used to authenticate the identity of your application. As specified in RFC6749

How do I secure client_secret for my web app?

Tags: oauth


client_secret is used to authenticate the identity of your application to the service API. Don't send client_secret via HTTP allways use TLS encryption. Transmit client_secret only in the request-body and do not include it in the request URI. For more information see RFC6749

What is the difference between EmployeeId, CompanyId and TransId?

Tags: api usage


TransId is composed of CompanyId and EmployeeId separated by a hypen sign.

Example: TransId = 12-1234, so CompanyId = 12 and EmployeeId = 1234.

When requesting authorization token using code I am receiving 400 Bad Request response, What am I doing wrong?

Tags: oauth


  • Verify in documentation, if you are sending all required fields in proper format.
  • Make sure you are properly sending data using application/x-www-form-urlencoded form content type.

When I request offers data, I am not receiving all available fields. What’s happening?

Tags: api usage, available features


Upon subscription expiry access to the fields is limited to subset of available fields of an offer.

When I am posting new offer I get response “You are not authorized to [...]” what’s the problem?

Tags: api usage, available features


Your company is not authorized to add offers. Make sure your company is authorized in Trans.eu platform and your subscription is active.

I don’t have TransId to test my application, how can I get it?

Tags: api usage, available features


To obtain TransId please contact Paweł Dżumaga gpatynek@trans.eu.

Are dictionary entries translated?

Tags: api usage


In TransAPI dictionary entries are not being translated. If you need translations for dictionary entries, consider translating them on your application side.

I am getting response 415 Unsupported Media Type what is wrong?

Tags: api usage


You have to properly specify HTTP headers. Make sure you are sending headers Content-Type set to application/json and Accept set to application/hal+json.

AND & OR in filters - how does it work?

Tags: api usage


All filters in TransAPI are using MongoDB filters syntax. Logical operators allow you to combine filters in API request.


$or: [ { quantity: { $lt: 20 } }, { price: 10 } ]
$and: [ { price: { $ne: 1.99 } }, { price: { $exists: true } }

For more information checkout Logical Query Operations section of MongoDB reference.

When sending authorization request instead of 302 Found response I am getting 403 Forbidden what's wrong?

Tags: api usage


Make sure you are using https protocol not http.