Orders API Endpoints Reference

Version: 1

Base URL: https://orders.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1



Get order


  • orders.orders.basic.read


GET /orders/{order-id}

Query parameters

Param Type Description Required
order-id String Order identifier received with POST response in id field yes


Http status Description
200 Returned the order entity
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden (i.e. wrong or missing access token)
404 Order not found
500 Internal Server Error

Response data structure

Property Type Description
id String Unique order id (as UUID)
number String Assigned order number (unique in scope of company)
route Object (Route) Route details
loads Array (of Load) Loads details
carrier Object (Contractor) Carrier details
payer Object (Contractor) Payer details
payment Object (Payment) Payment details
vehicle Object (Vehicle) Vehicle details
driver Object (Driver) Driver details
requirements Object (Requirements) Requirements
_links Object External resources references

Route object structure

Field Type Description
events Array (of RouteEvent) Sorted list of route events

RouteEvent object structure

Field Type Description
place Object (Place) Details of event place
time_frame Object (TimeFrame) Details of loads TimeFrame
type Enum Single value can be choose. Event type.
Possible values: loading, unloading

Place object structure

Field Type Description
address Object (Address) Address details

TimeFrame object structure

Field Type Description
day Date [YYYY-MM-DD]
time_from Date [hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z ie. 11:20:00+01:00
time_to Date [hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z ie. 11:20:00+01:00

Address object structure

Field Type Description
street String Street name
number String Street number
locality String City name
postal_code String Postal code
country String Country code in format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2

Payment object structure

Field Type Description
price Object (Price) Price definition
interval_of_days String Payment date interval in days, ISO 8601 formatted (see PHP DateInterval for more information)

Price object structure

Field Type Description
value Number Price value
currency String Price currency (ISO 4217)

Contractor object structure

Field Type Description
name String Company name
vat_id String Company VAT id
address Object (Address) Company address details
contact_person Object (ContactPerson) Contact person details

ContactPerson object structure

Field Type Description
contact_id String Person's contact id
employee_id String Employee id from Companies API
trans_id String Person's TransID
given_name String Person's given name
family_name String Person's last name
email String E-mail address
telephone String Telephone number in format: (XX) XXXXXXXXX

Load object structure

Field Type Description
name String Load name
type_of_load Enum Possible values: [adr,bags,unit,logs,envelope,box,barrel,pallet,other]
weight Object (Weight) Load weight details
volume Object (Volume) Load weight details
height Object (Dimension) Load height Dimension
width Object (Dimension) Load width Dimension
length Object (Dimension) Load length Dimension
amount Number Amount of loads

Weight object structure

Field Type Description
value Number Weight value
unit_code String Weight unit code
Possible values: TNE (tons)

Volume object structure

Field Type Description
value Number Volume value
unit_code String Volume unit code
Possible values: M3 (cubic meter)

Dimension object structure

Field Type Description
value Number Dimension value
unit_code String Dimension unit code
Possible values: M (meter)

Vehicle object structure

Field Type Description
registration_plate_number String Vehicle's registration plate number
semi_trailer Object(SemiTrailer) SemiTrailer data

SemiTrailer object structure

Field Type Description
registration_plate_number String Trailer's registration plate number

Driver object structure

Field Type Description
employee_id Number Employee ID from Companies API
family_name String Person's last name
given_name String Person's given name
identity_document_number String Driver's ID document number
telephone String Telephone number in format: (XX) XXXXXXXXX

Requirements object structure

Field Type Description
is_ftl Boolean Is full track load flag
is_tracking_system_required Boolean Tracking system requirement flag
is_truck_crane_required Boolean Truck crane requirement flag
is_lift_required Boolean Lift requirement flag
is_tir_cable_required Boolean Tir cable requirement flag
shipping_remarks String Remarks to the shipping
required_ways_of_loading Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [side,top,back]
required_truck_bodies Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [tent, isotherm, box-truck, spacious, other, car-transporter, double-trailer, van, mega, coilmulde, walking-floor, low-suspension, flatbed, chemical-tanker, food-tanker, petroleum-tanker, gas-tanker, log-trailer, oversized-cargo, hook-lift, container-20-40, dump-truck, koffer, swap-body-system, jumbo, cooler, curtainsider, tanker, silos, removal-truck]
required_adr_classes Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8, 9]


GET /api/rest/v1/orders/e674e0a3-847c-4f75-bdff-cedaf6986c7c HTTP/1.1
Host: orders.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

  "id": "e674e0a3-847c-4f75-bdff-cedaf6986c7c",
  "number": "EN/15022021/10",
  "route": {
    "events": [
        "place": {
          "address": {
            "locality": "Berlin",
            "postal_code": "3456",
            "country": "DE",
            "street": "Erste strasse",
            "number": "12"
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 23.256789,
            "longitude": 90
        "time_frame": {
          "day": "2017-02-20",
          "time_from": "09:09:09+00:00",
          "time_to": "16:59:59+00:00"
        "type": "loading"
        "place": {
          "address": {
            "locality": "Berlin",
            "postal_code": "3456",
            "country": "DE",
            "street": "Some Avenue",
            "number": "32"
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 23.256789,
            "longitude": 42.000001
        "time_frame": {
          "day": "2017-02-22",
          "time_from": "18:00:00+00:00",
          "time_to": "20:00:00+00:00"
        "type": "unloading"
  "loads": [
      "name": "Test load",
      "weight": {
        "value": 1,
        "unit_code": "TNE"
      "length": {
        "value": 4,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "width": {
        "value": 3,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "height": {
        "value": 2,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "volume": {
        "value": 5,
        "unit_code": "M3"
      "type_of_load": "barrel",
      "amount": 2
  "shipper": {
    "name": "Shipping imperium",
    "vat_id": "5379420247",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "50-001",
      "country": "PL",
      "street": "Kings street",
      "number": "1"
    "contact_person": {
      "family_name": "John",
      "given_name": "Doe",
      "email": "john.doe@trans.eu",
      "telephone": "",
      "employee_id": 823436,
      "trans_id": "1008544-1",
      "contact_id": null
  "carrier": {
    "name": "Carrying company",
    "vat_id": "PL6470094616",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "58-100",
      "country": "PL",
      "street": "Some street",
      "number": "22/11"
    "contact_person": {
      "family_name": "Paul",
      "given_name": "Doe",
      "email": "paul.doe@trans.eu",
      "telephone": "",
      "employee_id": 823439,
      "trans_id": "1008547-1",
      "contact_id": null
  "payer": {
    "name": "Carrier Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "0001111444455",
    "address": {
      "locality": "Parisss",
      "postal_code": "3334",
      "country": "FR",
      "street": "Some street",
      "number": "4/2"
    "contact_person": {
      "family_name": "Johan",
      "given_name": "Sebastian",
      "email": "test@trans.eu",
      "telephone": "(48) 1001000100",
      "employee_id": null,
      "trans_id": null,
      "contact_id": 123155
  "payment": {
    "price": {
      "value": 34,
      "currency": "PLN"
    "interval_of_days": "P10D"
  "driver": {
    "given_name": "Joe",
    "family_name": "Doe",
    "telephone": "(48) 3003000303",
    "identity_document_number": "AFA180815",
    "employee_id": null
  "vehicle": {
    "registration_plate_number": "SPS 212",
    "semi_trailer": {
      "registration_plate_number": "SPS 313"
  "requirements": {
    "is_ftl": true,
    "is_tracking_system_required": true,
    "is_truck_crane_required": true,
    "is_lift_required": true,
    "is_tir_cable_required": true,
    "required_ways_of_loading": [
    "required_truck_bodies": [
    "required_adr_classes": [
    "shipping_remarks": "Test remark"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": ""
    "carrier_company": {
      "id": 1008547,
      "href": "https://companies.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/companies/1008547"
    "carrier_contact_person": {
      "employee_id": 823439,
      "href": "https://companies.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/employees/823439"
    "shipper_company": {
      "id": 1008544,
      "href": "https://companies.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/companies/1008544"
    "shipper_contact_person": {
      "employee_id": 823436,
      "href": "https://companies.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/employees/823436"

Shipping Orders

Add shipping order


  • orders.shipping-orders.basic.create


POST /shipping-orders

Request body data

Param Type Description Required
number String Order number (unique in scope of your company) yes
route Object (Route) Route details yes
loads Array (of Load) Loads details no
carrier Object (Contractor) Carrier details no
payer Object (Contractor) Payer details no
payment Object (Payment) Payment details no
vehicle Object (Vehicle) Vehicle details
driver Object (Driver) Driver details
requirements Object (Requirements) Requirements

Contractor object structure

Field Type Description Required
name String Company name yes
vat_id String Company VAT id no
address Object (Address) Company address details no
contact_person Object (ContactPerson) Contractor contact person details no

Address object structure

Field Type Description Required
street String Street name no
number String Street number no
locality String City name yes
postal_code String Postal code yes
country String Country code in format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
Example: PL

ContactPerson object structure

Field Type Description Required
contact_id String Person's contact id no
employee_id String Employee id from Companies API no
trans_id String Person's TransID no
given_name String Person's first name yes
family_name String Person's last name yes
email String E-mail address yes
telephone String Phone number in format: (XX) XXXXXXXXX no

Route object structure

Field Type Description Required
events Array (of RouteEvent) Array with route events yes

RouteEvent object structure

Field Type Description Required
place Object (Place) Details of event place yes
time_frame Object (TimeFrame) Time frame when load is expected yes
type String Event type.
Possible values: loading, unloading

Place object structure

Field Type Description Required
address Object (Address) Address details yes

TimeFrame object structure

Field Type Description Required
day Date [YYYY-MM-DD] no
time_from Date [hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z ie. 11:20:00+01:00 no
time_to Date [hh]:[mm]:[ss]Z ie. 11:20:00+01:00 no

Load object structure

Field Type Description Required
name String Load name no
type_of_load Enum Possible values: [adr,bags,unit,logs,envelope,box,barrel,pallet,other] no
weight Object (Weight) Load weight details yes
volume Object (Volume) Load weight details no
height Object (Dimension) Load height Dimension no
width Object (Dimension) Load width Dimension no
length Object (Dimension) Load length Dimension no
amount Number Amount of loads no

Weight object structure

Field Type Description Required
value Number Weight value yes
unit_code String Weight unit code
Possible values: TNE (tons)

Volume object structure

Field Type Description Required
value Number Volume value yes
unit_code String Weight unit code
Possible values: M3 (cubic meter)

Dimension object structure

Field Type Description Required
value Number Dimension value yes
unit_code String Weight unit code
Possible values: M (meter)

Payment object structure

Field Type Description Required
price Object (Price) Price definition yes
interval_of_days String Payment date interval (in days, ISO 8601 formatted - see PHP DateInterval for more information) yes

Price object structure

Field Type Description Required
value Number Price value (positive number) yes
currency String (Currency) Price currency (ISO 4217) yes

Supported Currency list

Value (code) Currency name
BAM Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark
BGN Bulgarian Lev
BYR Belarussan Ruble
CHF Swiss Franc
CZK Czech Koruna
DKK Danish Krone
EUR European Euro
GBP Pound Sterling
HRK Croatian Kuna
HUF Hungarian Forint
ISK Icelandic Krona
KZT Kazakhstani Tenge
MDL Moldovan Leu
MKD Macedonian Denar
NOK Norwegian Krone
PLN Polish Zloty
RON Romanian Leu
RSD Serbian Dinar
RUB Russian Ruble
SEK Swedish Krone
TRY Turkish Lira
UAH Ukrainian Hryvnia
USD US Dollars

Vehicle object structure

Field Type Description Required
registration_plate_number String Vehicle's registration plate number no
semi_trailer Object(SemiTrailer) SemiTrailer data no

SemiTrailer object structure

Field Type Description Required
registration_plate_number String SemiTrailer's registration plate number no

Driver object structure

Field Type Description Required
employee_id Number Employee ID from Companies API no
family_name String Person's last name no
given_name String Person's given name no
identity_document_number String Driver's ID document number no
telephone String Telephone number in format: (XX) XXXXXXXXX no

Requirements object structure

Field Type Description Required
is_ftl Boolean Is full track load flag no
is_tracking_system_required Boolean Tracking system requirement flag no
is_truck_crane_required Boolean Truck crane requirement flag no
is_lift_required Boolean Lift requirement flag no
is_tir_cable_required Boolean Tir cable requirement flag no
shipping_remarks String Remarks to the shipping no
required_ways_of_loading Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [side,top,back] no
required_truck_bodies Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [tent, isotherm, box-truck, spacious, other, car-transporter, double-trailer, van, mega, coilmulde, walking-floor, low-suspension, flatbed, chemical-tanker, food-tanker, petroleum-tanker, gas-tanker, log-trailer, oversized-cargo, hook-lift, container-20-40, dump-truck, koffer, swap-body-system, jumbo, cooler, curtainsider, tanker, silos, removal-truck] no
required_adr_classes Enum Multiple value can be selected. Possible values: [1, 2, 3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1, 6.2, 7, 8, 9] no


Http status Description
201 Created and returned the order entity
400 Bad request
401 Unauthorized
403 Forbidden (i.e. wrong or missing access token)
409 Conflict (i.e. order number already exists)
422 Unprocessable entity (i.e. invalid or missing request parameter)
500 Internal Server Error


POST /api/rest/v1/shipping-orders HTTP/1.1
Host: orders.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
  "number": "EN/15022021/10",
  "route": {
    "events": [
        "place": {
          "address": {
            "locality": "Berlin",
            "postal_code": "3456",
            "country": "DE",
            "street": "Some Avenue",
            "number": "12"
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 23.256789,
            "longitude": 90.000000
        "time_frame": {
          "day": "2017-02-20",
          "time_from": "09:09:09+00:00",
          "time_to": "16:59:59+00:00"
        "type": "loading"
        "place": {
          "address": {
            "locality": "Berlin",
            "postal_code": "3456",
            "country": "DE",
            "street": "Some Avenue",
            "number": "32"
          "coordinates": {
            "latitude": 23.256789,
            "longitude": 42.000001
        "time_frame": {
          "day": "2017-02-22",
          "time_from": "18:00:00+00:00",
          "time_to": "20:00:00+00:00"
        "type": "unloading"
  "loads": [
      "name": "Test load",
      "type_of_load": "barrel",
      "weight": {
        "value": 1,
        "unit_code": "TNE"
      "height": {
        "value": 2,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "width": {
        "value": 3,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "length": {
        "value": 4,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "volume": {
        "value": 5,
        "unit_code": "M3"
      "amount": 2
  "payer": {
    "name": "Carrier Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "0001111444455",
    "language": "PL",
    "address": {
      "locality": "Parisss",
      "postal_code": "3334",
      "country": "FR",
      "street": "Ulica Fabrycznego",
      "number": "4/2"
    "contact_person": {
      "contact_id": 123155,
      "family_name": "Testowski",
      "given_name": "Tescik jr",
      "email": "test@trans.eu",
      "telephone": "(48) 1001000100",
      "fax": "(48) 2002000200"
  "driver": {
    "employee_id": 110519,
    "family_name": "Doe",
    "given_name": "Joe",
    "identity_document_number": "AFA180815",
    "telephone": "(48) 3003000303"
  "requirements": {
    "is_ftl": true,
    "is_tracking_system_required": true,
    "shipping_remarks": "Test remark",
    "required_ways_of_loading": [
    "required_truck_bodies": [
    "is_truck_crane_required": true,
    "is_lift_required": true,
    "is_tir_cable_required": true,
    "required_adr_classes": [
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "id": "56acf700-1774-11e6-8ab6-0002a5d5c51b",
    // ...

POST response data structure is identical to GET response structure.