Orders repository API Endpoints Reference

Version: 1

Base URL: https://orders-repository.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1



Create order


  • orders-repository.orders.add


POST /orders

Request body data

Field Type Description Required
custom_ids Array (of CustomId) optional external system ID false
number String order number false
status String optional external system status false
terms String order terms false
description String false
route Array (of RouteEvent) false
loads Array (of Load) false
shipper Object (Contractor) false
carrier Object (Contractor) false
payer Object (Contractor) false
payment Object (Payment) false
documents Array (of Document) false
vehicles Array (of OrderVehicle) false
drivers Array (of Driver) false

CustomId object structure

Field Type Description
id String External system ID
source String External system alias

RouteEvent object structure

Field Type Description
place Object (Place)
timespans Object (TimeSpans)
type Enum Event type.
Possible values: loading, unloading
notes Array (of String)
loads Array (of String) Can be used to hold references to specific loads by Load.custom_id

Place object structure

Field Type Description
address Object (Address) Address details
coordinates Object (Coordinates)

TimeSpans object structure

Field Type Description
begin String any datetime
end String any datetime

Address object structure

Field Type Description
locality String City name
postal_code String Postal code
country String Country code in format ISO 3166-1 alpha-2
street String Street name
number String Street number

Coordinates object structure

Field Type Description
latitude float [-90;90][precision: 6 digits]
longitude float [-180;180][precision: 6 digits]

Load object structure

Field Type Description
custom_id String
name String
description String
type_of_load String
weight Object (Weight)
height Object (Height)
width Object (Width)
length Object (Length)
volume Object (Volume)
amount positive Integer
requirements Object (Requirements)
shipper Object (Contractor)
carrier Object (Contractor)
payer Object (Contractor)

Weight object structure

Field Type Description
value positive float [precision: 3 digits]
unit_code String ISO 2955 c/i value ie. TNE

Height object structure

Field Type Description
value positive float [precision: 3 digits]
unit_code String ISO 2955 c/i value ie. M

Width object structure

Field Type Description
value positive float [precision: 3 digits]
unit_code String ISO 2955 c/i value ie. M

Length object structure

Field Type Description
value positive float [precision: 3 digits]
unit_code String ISO 2955 c/i value ie. M

Volume object structure

Field Type Description
value positive float [precision: 3 digits]
unit_code String ISO 2955 c/i value ie. M3

Requirements object structure

Field Type Description
required_ways_of_loading Array (of Enum) Enum values: top, side, back. Says which side load should be put into the vehicle
required_truck_bodies Array (of String) which type of vehicle/trailer body should be used to carry the load
required_adr_classes Array (of Enum) Enum values: hazard classes ie. 4.1
is_truck_crane_required Boolean
is_lift_required Boolean
is_for_clearance Boolean whether load should be "ready to declare" - to excise on country border
is_tir_cable_required Boolean whether load should be secured by ropes
is_ftl Boolean whether shipper requires vehicles exclusively for purpose of carrying the loads
is_tracking_system_required Boolean whether shipper requires GPS tracking of carrier's vehicles
shipping_remarks String place for shippers additional remarks & requirements

Contractor object structure

Field Type Description
trans_company_id positive Integer
custom_id String
name String
vat_id String
email String valid e-mail
telephone String digits, and +-() characters and whitespaces
fax String digits, and +-() characters and whitespaces
address Object (Address)
contact_persons Array ( of Person)

Person object structure

Field Type Description
trans_id String TransID
custom_id String
family_name String
given_name String
email String valid e-mail
telephone String digits, and +-() characters and whitespaces
fax String digits, and +-() characters and whitespaces

Payment object structure

Field Type Description
price Object (Price)
interval_of_days Object (Price)
status String

Price object structure

Field Type Description
value positive Integer value passed as integer in the smallest unit of currency
offset positive Integer positive int (power of 10), i.e. how much cents are in 1 euro (it's 100 for most of currencies)
currency String string (ISO 4217)

OrderVehicle object structure

Field Type Description
vehicle Object (Vehicle)
trailer Object (Trailer)

Document object structure

Field Type Description
custom_id String ID of document in user's external system
uri String
type String
description String

Vehicle object structure

Field Type Description
custom_id String ID of vehicle in user's external system
registration_plate_number String
body_type String
bearing_capacity Object (Volume)

Trailer object structure

Field Type Description
custom_id String ID of trailer in user's external system
registration_plate_number String
body_type String
bearing_capacity Object (Volume)

Driver object structure

Field Type Description
trans_id String TransID
custom_id String
family_name String
given_name String
id_card_number String driver's ID card number
email String valid e-mail
telephone String digits, and +-() characters and whitespaces


Http status Description
201 Order was created
403 Forbidden
422 Unprocessable entity - this error occures when user send request with invalid data


POST /api/rest/v1/orders
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "custom_ids": [
      "id": "12345",
      "source": "TransOrders"
  "number": "DE/3455/4444",
  "status": "pending",
  "terms": "Some long order terms...",
  "description": "Some text from owner or anyone else..",
  "route" : [
      "place": {
        "address": {
          "locality": "Wroclaw",
          "postal_code": "50-539",
          "country": "PL",
          "street": "Krynicka",
          "number": "2A/20"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 51.082743,
          "longitude": 17.047332
      "timespans": [
          "begin": "2016-05-11T08:00:00+00:00",
          "end": "2016-05-11T11:00:00+00:00"
      "type": "loading",
      "loads": ["1", "2"],
      "notes": [
        "Panie Janie prosze o kontakt."
      "place": {
        "address": {
          "locality": "Wroclaw",
          "postal_code": "50-539",
          "country": "PL",
          "street": "Krynicka",
          "number": "2A/20"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 51.082743,
          "longitude": 17.047332
      "timespans": [
          "begin": "2016-05-12T12:00:00+00:00",
          "end": "2016-05-12T16:00:00+00:00"
      "loads": ["1", "2"],
      "type": "unloading"
  "loads" : [
      "custom_id": "1",
      "name": "Some load",
      "description": "Some random load desc",
      "type_of_load": "box",
      "weight" : {
        "value" : 23,
        "unit_code" : "TNE"
      "height": {
        "value": 1.0,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "width": {
        "value": 1.5,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "length": {
        "value": 1.2,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "volume": {
        "value": 1.8,
        "unit_code": "M3"
      "amount": 5,
      "requirements": {
        "required_ways_of_loading": ["side", "back"],
        "required_truck_bodies": ["freezer"],
        "required_adr_classes": ["2", 4.1"],
        "is_truck_crane_required": true,
        "is_lift_required": false,
        "is_for_clearance": true,
        "is_tir_cable_required": false,
        "is_ftl": true,
        "is_tracking_system_required": true,
        "shipping_remarks": "just one small thing"
  "shipper": {
    "name": "Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "000111122222",
    "telephone": "(22)332-21-13",
    "fax": "(22) 332 21 14",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "L333",
      "country": "GB",
      "street": "Some Avenue",
      "number": "5"
    "contact_persons": [
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@rst.com.pl",
        "telephone": "1001000100",
        "fax": "(22) 332 21 14"
  "carrier": {
    "trans_company_id": 2134,
    "custom_id": "ABC001",
    "name": "Carrier Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "00011114444",
    "email": "carrier@trans.eu",
    "address": {
      "locality": "Wroclaw",
      "postal_code": "50-539",
      "country": "PL",
      "street": "Krynicka",
      "number": "2A/20"
    "contact_persons": [
        "trans_id": "2134-2",
        "custom_id": "ABC001",
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@rst.com.pl",
        "telephone": "1001000100"
  "payer": {
    "name": "Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "000111122222",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "L333",
      "country": "GB",
      "street": "Some Avenue",
      "number": "5"
    "contact_persons": [
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@rst.com.pl",
        "telephone": "1001000100"
  "payment": {
    "price": {
      "value": 34,
      "offset": 100,
      "currency": "PLN"
    "interval_of_days": 10,
    "status": "paid"
  "documents": [
      "custom_id": "XXX",
      "uri": "http://uri-to-document.com/Some-example.doc",
      "type": "cmr",
      "description": "Description of Some-example.doc."
  "vehicles": [
      "vehicle": {
        "custom_id": "1234",
        "registration_plate_number": "ABCDEF",
        "body_type": "freezer",
        "bearing_capacity": {
          "value": 12,
          "unit": "TNE"
      "trailer": {
        "custom_id": "2345",
        "registration_plate_number": "123456",
        "body_type": "freezer",
        "bearing_capacity": {
          "value": 12.0,
          "unit": "TNE"
  "drivers": [
      "trans_id": "2134-2",
      "family_name": "Test",
      "given_name": "Test",
      "id_card_number": "ABC001002",
      "email": "test@rst.com.pl",
      "telephone": "1001000100"
  "_embedded": {
    "metadata": {
      "revision": "d459813b-7708-4a83-8dcd-672581dc5d3d",
      "modified": "2017-04-03T11:41:49+00:00"

Get order


  • orders-repository.orders.read


GET /orders

Query parameters

Query parameter Type Required Value
page integer no result page number


Http status Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
409 Page not found


GET /api/rest/v1/orders
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://orders-repository.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/orders?page=1"
    "first": {
      "href": "http://orders-repository.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/orders"
    "last": {
      "href": "http://orders-repository.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/orders?page=1"
  "_embedded": {
    "orders": [
  "page_count": 1,
  "page_size": 25,
  "total_items": 1,
  "page": 1


GET /orders/{ID}


Http status Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
404 Order not found
422 Invalid request


GET /api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
  "id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
  "custom_ids": [
      "id": "123456",
      "source": "TransOrders"
      "id": "AB45",
      "source": "SomeExternalSystem"
  "number": "DE/3455/4444",
  "status": "pending",
  "terms": "Some long order terms...",
  "description": "Some text from owner or anyone else..",
  "route" : [
      "place": {
        "address": {
          "locality": "Wroclaw",
          "postal_code": "50-539",
          "country": "PL",
          "street": "Krynicka",
          "number": "2A/20"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 51.082743,
          "longitude": 17.047332
      "timespans": [
          "begin": "2016-05-11T08:00:00+00:00",
          "end": "2016-05-11T11:00:00+00:00"
      "type": "loading",
      "notes": [
        "Dear John please contact me when you arrive."
      "place": {
        "address": {
          "address": {
            "locality": "Wroclaw",
            "postal_code": "50-539",
            "country": "PL",
            "street": "Krynicka",
            "number": "2A/20"
        "coordinates": {
          "latitude": 51.082743,
          "longitude": 17.047332
      "timespans": [
          "begin": "2016-05-12T12:00:00+00:00",
          "end": "2016-05-12T16:00:00+00:00"
      "type": "unloading"
  "loads" : [
      "description": "Some random load",
      "type_of_load": "box",
      "weight" : {
        "value" : 23,
        "unit_code" : "TNE"
      "height": {
        "value": 1.0,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "width": {
        "value": 1.5,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "length": {
        "value": 1.2,
        "unit_code": "M"
      "volume": {
        "value": 1.8,
        "unit_code": "M3"
      "amount": 5,
      "requirements": {
        "required_ways_of_loading": ["side", "back"],
        "required_truck_bodies": ["freezer"],
        "required_adr_classes": ["2", 4.1"],
        "is_truck_crane_required": true,
        "is_lift_required": false,
        "is_for_clearance": true,
        "is_tir_cable_required": false,
        "is_tracking_system_required": true,
        "is_ftl": true,
        "shipping_remarks": "just one small thing"
  "shipper": {
    "name": "Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "000111122222",
    "telephone": "(22)332-21-13",
    "fax": "(22) 332 21 14",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "L333",
      "country": "GB",
      "street": "Some Avenue",
      "number": "5"
    "contact_persons": [
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@trans.eu",
        "telephone": "1001000100",
        "fax": "(22) 332 21 14"
  "carrier": {
    "trans_company_id": 2134,
    "custom_id": "ABC001",
    "name": "Carrier Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "00011114444",
    "email": "carrier@trans.eu",
    "address": {
      "locality": "Wroclaw",
      "postal_code": "50-539",
      "country": "PL",
      "street": "Krynicka",
      "number": "2A/20"
    "contact_persons": [
        "trans_id": "2134-2",
        "custom_id": "ABC001",
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@trans.eu",
        "telephone": "1001000100"
  "payer": {
    "name": "Trans.eu",
    "vat_id": "000111122222",
    "address": {
      "locality": "London",
      "postal_code": "L333",
      "country": "GB",
      "street": "Some Avenue",
      "number": "5"
    "contact_persons": [
        "family_name": "Test",
        "given_name": "Test",
        "email": "test@trans.eu",
        "telephone": "1001000100"
  "payment": {
    "price": {
      "value": 34,
      "offset": 100,
      "currency": "PLN"
    "interval_of_days": 10,
    "status": "paid"
  "vehicles": [
      "vehicle": {
        "custom_id": "1234",
        "registration_plate_number": "ABCDEF",
        "body_type": "freezer",
        "bearing_capacity": {
          "value": 12,
          "unit": "TNE"
      "trailer": {
        "custom_id": "2345",
        "registration_plate_number": "123456",
        "body_type": "freezer",
        "bearing_capacity": {
          "value": 12.0,
          "unit": "TNE"
  "drivers": [
      "trans_id": "2134-2",
      "family_name": "Test",
      "given_name": "Test",
      "id_card_number": "ABC001002",
      "email": "test@trans.eu",
      "telephone": "1001000100"
  "_embedded": {
    "metadata": {
      "revision": "d459813b-7708-4a83-8dcd-672581dc5d3d",
      "modified": "2017-04-03T11:41:49+00:00"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "http://orders.system.trans.eu/api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000"

Update order

When updating order, only updated fields should be sent in request. Fields not mentioned in request will remain intact. To unset previously set field send null value or empty array [] for array fields. Revision identifier of editing order must be sent by X-Order-Revision header and it must be up-to-date, otherwise 409 will be returned. To get last revision identifier just fetch order and check it metadata.


  • orders-repository.orders.update


PATCH /orders/{ID}


Http status Description
200 OK
403 Forbidden
404 Order not found
409 Conflict
422 Invalid request


PATCH /api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
X-Order-Revision: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "number": "NEW_NUMBER/3455/4444"

Delete order


  • orders-repository.orders.delete


DELETE /orders/{ID}


Http status Description
204 Deleted
403 Forbidden
404 Order not found


DELETE /api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


Grant access to edit order for other companies


POST /orders/{ID}/permissions

Request body data

Field Type Required
companies Array(of CompanyId) true

CompanyId object structure

Field Type Required
id integer true


Http status Description
201 Granted access
403 Forbidden
404 Order not found
422 Unprocessable entity


POST /api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000/permissions
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "companies": [
      "id": 12
      "id": 56

Revoke access to edit order for other companies


DELETE /orders/{ID}/permissions

Request body data

Field Type Required
companies Array(of CompanyId) true


Http status Description
204 Revoked access
403 Forbidden
404 Access has not been granted


DELETE /api/rest/v1/orders/123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000/permissions
Host: orders-repository.system.trans.eu
Accept: application/hal+json
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

  "companies": [
      "id": 12
      "id": 56